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Victoria Jabara

Victoria Jabara

Senior Marketing Manager - Commercial Banking BOK Financial
  • Marketing, Business Development
  • Commercial Banking
  • Consumer Banking

Victoria Jabara develops and implements strategic corporate marketing programs to achieve growth and objectives within BOK Financial’s commercial and corporate banking lines of business. Previously, she served in this role for the consumer banking lines of business. She joined BOK Financial in 2018.

Jabara has a bachelor’s degree in international studies, economics and French from the University of Oklahoma. She also has a master’s degree in international policy analysis from George Mason University’s School of Business.

Outside of the office, Jabara and her brother Rami established the Khalid Jabara Foundation to develop children’s programming and advocacy work centered on peace and justice, in honor of their brother who was killed due to a hate crime. Their efforts inspired the federal Jabara-Heyer NO HATE Act.

In her free time, she enjoys sketch comedy, live music and improv theater.

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Victoria Jabara

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